Price: $29
Corporations or LLCs, employers, and, in some states, those businesses that are also getting a Seller's Permit are required to obtain a Federal Tax Id (FEIN) and a Business License. You can use a federal tax id number as your business id number. Otherwise, you will need to use your social security number over the phone or the internet all the time for orders or other business identification reasons. And your don't want your social security out there if you want to protect your identity.
Here Are The Permits, Tax ID Number(s) & Other Registrations Required When Starting a Business All Businesses need a Business Permit & an Fictitious Business Name. If you are a retailer or wholesaler, you will need minimum a Sellers Permit , & a Business Permit . If you hire workers, you will need minimum a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN) & State Employer Permit , & a Business Permit . Corporations and LLC s need minimum a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN) & a Business Permit . Partners need minimum a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN) a Fictitious Business Name & a Business Permit . Sole Owner/Proprietors may get and use a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN) as a Business Permit ID Number & also minimum need a Business Permit .Instead of filing an Fictitious Business Name , you can choose Incorporation or form an LLC & You will not need an Fictitious Business Name